BABY wants to move!
Babies are now starting to move more now and continuing to develop awareness of both sides of the body. The brain is continually mapping out where the body is in space and developing body awareness. Rotating and turning are important parts of developing this.

What to expect between four and six months
Baby will lift both feet off the floor, play with their feet and put their feet in their mouth - this is getting their tummy muscles switching on and working and preparing them for rolling.
Baby should now be able to hold their head up, first prop on their forearms then push up to straight arms while on their tummy.
Most babies will roll over onto their side and some may roll over from tummy to back.
Some babies will begin pivot round on their tummy.
By six months babies love to be upright and will love you sitting them up on your knee.
play ideas



Things to watch out for
At this age watch how your baby is using their arms and hands and if they can cross that imaginary line (midline) down the middle of the body. The first step to rolling back to belly is to bring the hand across the body. If they are finding this challenging do lots of side lying play.
Not bringing feet to hands.
Baby struggling to push up onto straight arms in tummy time.
Not rolling onto side or making any attempt to roll.
Baby is learning to rotate and becoming more aware of two sides of their body. Give lots of opportunities for baby to reach round for toys and to play on their side.
Let your baby play on the floor and try to ensure they have more time out of containers than in containers.
The best place for baby is on the floor. It is tempting to introduce a jumperoo, baby bouncer or baby walker but research has shown these are not good for the development of babies hips.
Introduce vertical play for baby from four months.

If you have concerns about your babies development please get in touch. When it comes to development its always better to be proactive than to wait and might regret waiting but you won't regret getting help for you baby if its needed.